
BBC Radio 5

Off the Grid author Nick Rosen talks on BBC Radio 5. The Paris Climate Conference started this week so climate change is high on the press agenda.

Point- The Truth According to Nick Rosen, ITN

Nick says Off-Grid living is important because it addresses a number of pressing policy problems including affordable housing, rural regeneration, energy resilience and lower consumption. He got into the idea of off-grid when he bought a shepherd's hut in Majorca as a second home because it was all he could afford. Since then he has written two books about it, and another is on the way.

Selected Documentaries

Nick has a long track-record making documentaries dating back to the 90s, producing for BBC, ITV, and Channel 4 in the UK, plus NTV in Russia, NHK in Japan & and PBS and CBS in the United States.

Brezhnev's Daughter, ITV & CBS

Nick produced Brezhnev's Daughter, a documentary about the way The Nomenklatura (in the former Soviet Union) were coming to terms with the new order in Russia. The documentary won Best International Production at the NY Film and TV Festival.

Sacred Ground, Channel 4

Nick produced Sacred Ground, the fight for Ground Zero, for PBS and Channel 4 – a film about the battle between Architect Daniel Libeskind, Twin Towers owner Larry Silverstein, and the NY power elite, to build a meaningful memorial at Ground Zero.

Britain's Commuter Nightmare, Channel 4 Dispatches

Nick produced ‘Britain’s Commuter Nightmare’, a one-hour documentary for Channel 4 Dispatches.

One in a Billion, BBC

Nick wrote, produced and presented ‘One In A Billion’  a 2012 documentary series featuring some of China’s richest men and women - the billionaire entrepreneurs who are driving the country’s economic growth. Charity Campaign, Gaza

Currently Nick has a cameraman based in Gaza, spending donations from an charitable campaign. Funds are raised and sent to Gaza buy solar panels, and the film shows him donating them to ordinary families so that they can generate their own off-grid electricity to power mobile phones allowing these innocent victims to stay in touch with each other and their families in the UK.

History of the Grid & its Future Prospects

As the global energy crisis continues, its time to ask - how did we get into this mess? And what could we do to regain control of our energy generation so it benefits all of us?